Marketing plays an important role in the development of the company. It is an art that requires know-how and experience. To make it all the more effective, the manager must not be satisfied with simply applying the initial marketing plan. He must redefine his strategy according to the evolution of consumer needs as well as market trends. But how do you do this? marketing-leader.de can explain!

The objective of a marketing study is to minimise the risks of marketing actions by providing the decision-maker with data enabling him to act with full knowledge of the facts. First of all, the stakes of the study must be determined (gaining market share, building customer loyalty, etc.). From this, the most appropriate methodology will be determined: quantitative or qualitative.
This type of research provides answers to the questions “What? and “Who?” , “Why?” and “How?”. The objective is to understand and observe. It is commonly used upstream of product launches in order to identify the obstacles and motivations of consumers. This method is useful when it comes to analysing customer expectations, adapting communication, knowing the perception of a product’s image and name. There are two types of qualitative research: face-to-face interviews and group meetings. More informaion on Digit Marketing.

The purpose of marketing is to determine the value of a product or service. This discipline then consists of transmitting the information to the consumer or client. Before selling a product, it is crucial to study the general profile of the target clientele.
E-MARKETING techniques
E-marketing brings together marketing and advertising techniques aimed at raising awareness and reaching consumers by using new communication technologies (websites, e-mailing, online surveys, etc.).
The marketing plan of a company is a strategy resulting from a reflection on the objectives and the actions to be put in place to achieve them. It anticipates all the actions – advertising… – for a period to come, generally one year.
Sales, marketing and management professions include a wide variety of fields of activity. The principle of marketing is to attract the right prospects, while sales converts prospects into customers.


Field Marketing
Basically, field marketing can also refer to operations carried out by animators outside the point of sale (street marketing, sample distribution, road shows, etc.).

Operational marketing
Operational marketing refers to all the marketing techniques implemented in the short / medium term to achieve the objectives defined in the field of strategic marketing.

Jobs around marketing
Discover the jobs in marketing field: marketing project manager, marketing assistant, product manager, marketing manager, email marketing manager…

Territorial marketing
Territorial marketing brings together all the marketing techniques that aim to work and communicate on the attractiveness of a territory in order to promote its economic development.

Relational strategy
Relational marketing is the set of marketing actions that a company can implement in order to create a privileged relationship with its prospects and customers, such the promotional gifts.
Content Marketing, is a marketing strategy based on the creation and distribution of valuable, useful and informative content, in order to communicate with its audience and develop its visibility. Content marketing is a component of inbound marketing.